It has been almost five days that I disappeared from the blog..truly apology -_-"
Actually, I'm here everyday (not an excuse)..try to finish those draft blog entries..'n collect those NY Fall'09 designer's like a Marathon..[actually I do this every seasons to summarize the runway trends]Fun..Restless..and tired(of course!!).
Went to Grand EGV @ Siam Discovery center( Gosh! was long time ago..I've been there for movie)::Friend Call>>Five Sharp!!>>Theater 5..Row H12,and 13..Only we two the other friend just cancelled..Ok!! I'm in H13(stand for :How come it's 13??)..Bet you know what we'll watch.........

As the movie is...cute'n hilarious!! I enjoy to see Ms.Bloomer's (aka 'The Woman in the Green Scarf')Dance move...LoL!..I mean those labels like Marc Jacobs,Prada,Gucci...and so on, but not her's not my way ;-P!
Last thing, those Gucci studded boots which Alicia got are what I want!! Do I need those?? ..............Yeah, H13 cursed me, The shops I wanna go spend or even look for my Feb's wish list are closed..even new fashion magazines are not available!!
Well, how I gonna finish this...Ok!! I leave you a trailer..Bet you like it;0)
::::::::::::::Enjoy the Movie::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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