My fingers are tired from saving the collection from New York and LDN...don't have enough time to finish those draft entries on the list...
8:12 pm..Stuck @ my work//Actually I finish at 7~Big thunderstorm in Bangkok is terrible...I ruin my shoes the other days...I'm going to fix it prttysoon :-(
By the way...Milan is already start.I have D&G to check,though...
**Enjoy Milan readers!!!
September 25, 2009
September 24, 2009
Book Worm
Begin my home alone morning with page 7 for Suzy Menkes’ Special Report in the International Herald Tribune(of yesterday) which I got it from my work. Then I continue my reading about Jonathan Saunders that I cppy copy from the October issue of ELLE UK.
12:00 ::Have to take my dog for a walk…I’ve done with Burberry Pror(awe)sum.(misspelling..but make sense!).Have you seen that draped trench??
I’m so sick with the slow internet! That’s why I can’t finish Basso & Brooke on time (I love the prints..but they kinda make me headache a lil’bit).Ok..then..I changed my mind go to Laurence King…searching for new fashion textbooks. Even, I’m not finish with those I have one the “messy” table.
LEFT : My Wonderful World of Fashion::A Book for Drawing, Creating, and Dreaming by Nina Chakrabatri.
I think this book is really good for those who want to study fashion design, but not good at drawing. The book can give them some idea..like how to draw. :::
MIDDLE : How to Set Up and Run a Fashion Label by Toby Meadows
This one is what I wanna buy the most. A Bachelor in Hotel & Tourism Management student like me totally have no idea how those fashion students really study in class(not count on the sewing class)…Are they carry any book/s? Anyway…I’ll buy this as soon as…I wanna something from it (???) Even, something in the book couldn’t help me in a real life to run the label…it’s better not to be an air-head designer who can’t run the biz, isn’t it???Long way to go,though……..
RIGHT: Badge/Button/Pin by Gavin Lucas
What can I say about the book?? Well, I love and collecting some of them in my closet!!!
Oki..doki..!! Feel good to update something to this journal…so, I have to go back to Style//Elle//and save some more S/S 2010 collections’cuz Milan is one the way (SIGH!!!) Besides, I have some previous drafts to finish…BEAR with me readers!!
Oh! By the way, if any of you have these books with you, pls do share some idea
September 17, 2009
Double A
Wang has never disappointed me for his design since he launce his first collection last two years.I have nothing much to say about this collection 'cuz most of you prbably read it from Style.So do I!!!
I'm so in love with these pairs....
Designing print is not easy things to do...How come Anna Sui made (or recolor)these 'super'unique bohemian prints..every single season?? I'm so curious about that? Does she has a magic??
Anyway, I gotta lotta thing to do//Better Rush 'n see you later:-)
September 14, 2009
September 10, 2009
September 04, 2009
September 03, 2009
another FASHION-ED book
This small fashion source book, "FASHION DESIGN~ WHERE TO STUDY?" was on my living room wooden bench yesterday. Actually I got this while I was roaming around a book store...have no idea what am I going to buy (actually I was in"nerd emotion") A bit fuzzy that there's no Dazed & Confused on the rack-I have to come here again sooner to buy it.
In this book, there's many details about fashion schools in Thailand, and fashion educating guides for study abroad. I used to spend my time hours,and hours searching online...just to fine a short course for basic sewing!!
My third entry of Intiz Journal,the interview of Teerabul Songvich

another page...

I'm planning to add more links about fashion schools in Thailand..Well, at least I can give some info for those who need :-) so,Pls bear with me!...one of a busy young-lady in the world :-)
September 01, 2009
One said that September is January in Fashion..New season is "officially" start//Summer is slowly vanish. ...As me //randomly check some update from Thaicatwalk...There's an announcement for Asahi Fashion Setto Stylist Challenge.
***I have to /must create one editorial+the looks for a topic "Super Dry"...die...die...die.
Hmm!..this's going to be tough, and I have only 29 days (and may be less..) to work on this challenge...C'mon let me try..It's fun (isn't ??)......and If I'm good enough working with leading Thai Fashion Magazine this c'ming December will/won't be on my schedule.