Glancing at my horoscope...

As my [ACTION] star, I tells 'You should begin your blog, and try to write about it as often as you could'.."Oh! that's true...I have do it before I read this"..Is it a good sign??
LoL!! My Intiz' Journal is getting fatter with the papers,notes,sticky memos..blah..blah..blah!!
Gemini Fashion item of the month :::: GLOVESand
The place where Gemini should go:::LIBRARy..I wonder why??
[Figured out soon that I have competition to attend about fashion design and I do need to do some research for the inspiration..that's why!!]
But actually I'm not going :::cuZ my bedrom has many many magazines to read...Fashion Trend Center where use to be the biggest fashion library in Bangkok..Sadly it has been closed...Internet is a huge source...Anyway..That's what Gemini is all about!!
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