July 28, 2009
July 19, 2009
Page 178 'n a little renovation!!
When my head is kinda 'empty of inspiration-empty brain actually'...then,I can't sketch happily(hard to explain the feeling..but something like that..).
Then, I preferred reading.It's my easy way out. So, I get some of those books..Spent hours 'n hours...So,this is what happen in the journal across page 178:::
By the way, the only thing,I feel good about is this booties. I thought about a pair of cowboy boots...and the shoe that I like, so this is the result..just a rough sketch..I'll make it more neat,though.
Last thing, some of you who have been read my journal will probably recognize the banner, and the simple white template. I love the old polka dots, but I have no idea how to get the banner up there...tried to fixed it...(get moody again) so, I made up my decision to this............Besides, the banner is my real hand writing:-)
As my little Intiz Journal is getting older,and older....I put some COACH [POPPY]stickers that I got from the VOGUE NIPPON..Just make it nicer,that's it!!
July 16, 2009
The Express Oh..pair!!
7pm: I went to a mall quickly for shopping...so I got one..simply one:-)
7:30pm Get home and study Japanese::
I got this black patent-denim wedge heel shoes at SHUBERRY.The shop has many average price, and nice design,though.
Well, when I go shop for a pair of shoe is kinda big deal to me:
- I have a 39 size ( sometimes..smaller)-_-"
- Always look for the black pair//Grey//Of course..with design//for those feminine details(e.g. Bow,Lace,Pearl..etc) are the last pairs I might take a look.
- Love shoes with the heels..but I prefer flats or sneakers.
- If I love the design//no matter about color (I take two!!or three//monotone)
Another thing ,bling..bling thing is the accessory...which I only wore yesterday::
July 10, 2009
Just checking the Numéro Tokyo website..make me curious, and curious for more picture of the VALLEY GIRL spreads.
3:20am DREAMCOMESTRUE.Thanks Fashionising!!...Save all 14 spreads>>>
3:21am Done//Pick 2 spreads..I have my points on these two

I always support Thai designers.Every time I see Thai label/s in the international magazine..I was sort of excited. So, what from above as Vlada's shoulder bag is the same Disaya bag which I used to mention.But this one is bigger!

^The FRAGILE ring is one of Disaya's Jewellery collection:-)
One more spread...I love it with no reason//Not about Disaya,though

It's bedtime...G'night guys!!
July 09, 2009
There's nothing much to say about CHANEL.The 'coutures' are AMAZING..I love the HANABI details (I say it my way. HANABI means firework in Japanese).
On the other side for Christian Lacroix. I still remember the fabulous exotic of his last Couture Season. This time,I feel that 'I like the collection'...Is this going to be his last season(isn't it??).Yeah, I told you a bad news about Lacroix situation. Anyway, I have faith in fashion..I wish..wish..wish to see his collection again. Go for it my Couturier!!
...Last one (for today)
La Palette & The Sexy Parisian
Three collections are kinda enough for me...tonight:-)
July 08, 2009
This is the fabulous Spring 2010 collection of Michael Lo Sordo.(which is store in this laptop weeks ago) I really love the colorful prints..very unique..and the details of the collection esp,the ruffles (actually I don't have one piece...of it :-p)...you may check out the entire collection here.....Time's Up!!!
July 05, 2009
Big GirL....Don't Cry-__-!!!!

Late afternoon, I talked with my new friend. She told me that what she wears is simple top,and jeans(count me in darling...the most comfy,and quick to be ready to work for me..LoL!!). "I don't know what to wear..because I'm FAT"..."No,you're not!"....I know one might think I was lie...probably not(considered her size.) So, I think I should write
As,I used to say that there's no rule in fashion//nothing right//nothing wrong//Wear your clothes with confidence//right place//right time//you'll look beautiful.
So,don't let those XL,XXL screw your beauty..
I randomly search pictures on google...tried to find the good look/s one/or more. Here it is//the examples:

* I don't recommend something tight.
* Horizontal line//stripes//equals size expansion.
* Next time, don't pick the biggest size on the rack (you feel sure that that one cover you enough..but it could be LOOSEy//LOSer, try the one that perfectly fit(not tight)..
* For those who gives up for HIGH LABELS//why don't you try to play fun with accessories instead.
* Shoes with high heels probably increase your height, but wear it regularly..it effects health:Remember! Beauty + Healthy!
* Don't compare yourself with one who is different,you can have your idol who is (for examples)skinny,nice legs,fashionista..blah..blah..blah, but you can't be the idol cloning.Just be yourself..
* Maxi skirt is not what suit you all the time.How about pencil skirt? If you are dreaming for mini skirt....Wake up!? Make the length of a skirt a lil'bit higher up..
Kiss goodbye X/XL/XXL,and XXX,but XOXO your body...
Have fun with the closet experiment :-)
July 04, 2009
July 01, 2009
It's already half of the year (how many time you gonna here this from people around you//including me?..LoL!) Last month,my birth month..the birthday young women like me suppose to have free time to do whatever I want//of course,updating the Intiz Journal...But it was my HECTIC!! Oh~well...the first minute of July..what can I say!?
1.the new season probably soon begin..Update the closet!!!
2.get ready to the fashion week of the next season.(Pls complete SS/AW 2009 immediately..Tikki!)
I have no idea how is my July is going to be...we'll see..I'll try my best:-) CHEER UP for me!!